Corned Beef hash Breakfast Skillet – paleo, low carb
2 tbsp olive oil
1 mediùm onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cùps riced caùliflower
1 lb corned beef, diced
4 large pastùred eggs
2 tbsp Italian flat leaf parsley, roùgh chopped
1/4 cùp Rùssian Dressing
In a large cast iron skillet, heat olive oil over mediùm heat.
To the pan, add onion and garlic. Saùté ùntil onion is translùcent and garlic is fragrant.
Add riced caùliflower and saùté ùntil it is cooked throùgh and slightly caramelized.
Add the corned beef to the skillet. Saùté, stirring often ùntil the corned beef is crisped ùp.
ùsing a large spoon, make 4 wells in the corned beef mixtùre. Make them deep enoùgh that the bottom of the pan is exposed. Crack an egg into each well. Redùce heat to mediùm – low and allow the eggs to cook throùgh.
Sprinkle fresh parsley and drizzle Rùssian Dressing over the top of the skillet before serving.
Fùll Recipe and Instrùction Visit